our story

We are a group of individuals who recognized the severity and necessity of addressing the upcoming drinking water shortage. The quality of water has significantly deteriorated over the past few years and has now reached a point where its adequacy is questionable. Even bottled water from brands such as Saskia or Spa has become so polluted over the years that a simple filter (whether natural or industrial) is no longer sufficient. That’s were our quest begins.

Through extensive research and collaboration with the right experts, we have established Spirit Drinking Water. This brand represents clean water and aims to inform people about water and its importance both in society and for individual health. Below is a brief explanation of the effects of various chemicals present in drinking water that are currently tolerated.

When purchasing Spirit water please note the following:
Do not store the water for longer than one month from date of delivery.
Do not leave the water bottle in direct sunlight for a long period of time.
Preferably keep the water in a cold dark room, for example the cellar.
Remove the antibacterial sticker on the top of the yellow cap before use.
Belgian water report
The intra- and extracellular cell fluid contains sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, hydrogen carbonate, glucose, amino acids and also phosphate. Chemically, calcium is calcium, magnesium is magnesium, copper is copper, and iron is iron. But if it has to qualify for our body, this comparison ends.
Calcium is absorbed by the body in compounds with phosphorus in the form ch3 (PO4) 2. Only vegetables, fruit, nuts, meat, fish and milk products can provide us with this. All other calcium is useful to the plasterer. Iron is absorbed by the body in haemoglobin form (from liver or spinach), all other forms are useful for the metal industry and have a toxic effect.
Magnetic osmosis
The cell feeds on magnetic osmosis, which is not based on static, but on electromagnetic osmosis. That is why the cell from the total supply of blood, lymphatic juices and connective tissue attracts exactly those elements in a certain amount that it needs (organ’s own frequency) and explains why, for example, fluorine from tea or fish is not toxic and all others are toxic (for example fluorine in drinking water and toothpaste).
Minerals like those found in water are deposited in various tissues, in organs, joints, bones and the circulatory system. They lead to kidney stones, gallstones, cerebral ossification, arthritis and heart disease. These inorganic minerals are bound by cholesterol and fats in the blood vessels and form a thick concrete-like layer that causes the hardening of the blood vessels. They literally and figuratively clog the body and circulation.
Drink water report
Do we drink our diseases?
 If tap water were really pure drinking water, it seems incomprehensible that we use it to flush the toilet, wash the car, take a shower and do the dishes, etc.
 Read the conclusions about The Loss of our drinking Water by prof. Dr. Ir. J. Poppe, published in the trade journal Orthophyto no. 64 2007.
 This Drink water report has been written by a Belgian scientist, specialised in water.
In order to make tap water drinkable, about 15 chemicals are added.
This means on an annual basis:
· Bleach 35 tons / year
· Sodium hypochlorite 2500 tons / year
· Chlorine gas 4 tons / year
· Caustic soda 185 tons / year
· Sodium aluminate 7.5 tons / year
· Aluminium sulphate 2593 tons / year
· Ferric chloride 2105 tons / year
· Lime 2000 tons / year
· Sulfuric acid 576 tons / year
· Poly aluminium chloride 50 tons / year
· Sulphur oxide 5 tons / year
· Caustic soda 250 tons / year
· Activated Silicon Oxide 100 tons / year
· Potassium carbonate 225 tons / year
· Calcium hydroxide 210 tons / year
Potassium: RD 26/12/1989 authorization to increase the standard from 12 mg / l to 20 mg / l.
Methanol: KB 3/12/1990 addition of 45g methanol / m to lower the nitrate content.
All this water – including chemicals – is not only transported through cast iron pipes, but also through asbestos cement pipes, as is the case in Lathum, The Netherlands.
Nitrates: The standard is 50 mg / l, but:
· Above 10 mg / l it is harmful for pregnant women and babies
· Above 20 mg / l there’s an exponential increase in cancer risk
· Above 25 mg / l it is harmful according to the European guidelines
· Above 50mg / l methanol (fuel alcohol) is added

Cadmium The standard is 5 mg / l, but:

• After about 8 hours of standing still in galvanized pipes, the standard is reached, for example in the morning when making coffee

• Only 0,01% is excreted back: the biological half-life is about 15 years, and is mainly stored in the kidneys and liver, where damage can occur from 50 ppm. 

Cadmium has carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic effects.

• Cadmium breaks down potassium. Total micrograms absorbed per day via drinking water: 40
Chlorine The standard is 200mg / l but:
• The EPA has unambiguously made the link between chlorine and many cancers
• Chlorine binds with animal fats in the body forming a partial, sticky substance that sticks to the walls of the artery and is the cause of atherosclerosis, heart disease and the number 1 cause of death
• Chlorine breaks down vitamin E
• Chlorine does not distinguish between good and bad bacteria: it destroys the intestinal flora; does not death reside in the colon?
• Chlorine is bactericidal, the bacteria seem to remain in the water and in an oxidizing environment, such as tap water, producing these pyrogens. In 1981 research already showed that chlorine increases the risk of cancer by 4%
Fluorine The standard is 1.5 mg / l but:
• 1 mg / l can already cause: gingivitis, eczema, cracks in the corners of the mouth, swelling of the eyelids (Quines edema), nasal mucosa disorder, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, loss of appetite and joint pains
• From 0.8 PPM: chronic bone fluorosis, mainly in the pelvis and vertebrae, extensive calcification in joints, stiff spine and disabling joint inflammation
• Higher fluoridated teeth (0.8-1.2 PPM) can become carious more quickly than lower fluoridated teeth. From 1 PPM, the cell activity slows down in mice, the cell membrane thickens, the cells die
• Increase in mongoloid births with an increase in fluorine concentration
• Fluorine has a bactericidal effect: very small amounts destroy the vitamins that are essential for digestion and useful coliform bacteria
• As with chlorine, the intestinal flora is severely damaged: the resistance to infection is affected because inferior leucocytes (white blood cells) are formed.
• Fluorine inhibits the enzymes of the following elements:
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Zinc
• Copper
• Iron
• Kobalt
• Mangan
• Fluorine inhibits the currant or citric acid cycle: the slow cell asphyxiation appears to lead to cancer, the poor metabolism to arteriosclerosis
• Fluorine penetrates the placental barrier
• Fluorine accumulation in aorta, heart, liver, kidneys, connective tissue, bones feeds up to premature failure of function
Aluminium Belgian standard 0.1 mg / l (temporarily 0.2 allowed) but:
Additives allowed:
• Aluminium sulphate
• Aluminium poly hydroxy chloride
• Aluminium poly hydroxy chloride sulphate
• Aluminium fluoride sulphate
• Sodium aluminate
Total 390 mg / l
• Alzheimer’s disease: increased aluminium concentration in brain cells
Cobalt The norm: 1.2 mg / l can be fatal. First symptoms: shortness of breath, pain in the heart and stomach area
Atrazine The standard is 0.1 micrograms / l, but:
• In some areas this standard is exceeded a 100 times
• Atrazine has been associated with effects on fertility and genetic material
• Former Belgian Minister for the Environment Kelchtermans relaxed the standard to 10 times higher, because the purification companies can no longer purify atrazine
Mercury • Easily transported in the blood and able to cross the blood brain barrier. It can build up along the placenta in the fetus (severe brain damage, damaged chromosomes)
• Starting complaints: reduction of sensation in the lips and tongue, then tremors and coordination disorders, limitation of vision and hearing, possibly leading to mental and physical disability
• Irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, headache, insomnia, damage to various organs, development of malignant tumours
• Heart muscle degeneration Beryllium
· Cancer, at high dose
• Very poisonous
• Hair loss
• Selenium
· Cancer (in case of an overdose)
• Sub-chronic or chronic effects on respiration, nerves, liver
• Stored in fat and breast milk
• Severe liver disease, liver tumours, cancer of the liver, oesophagus and mouth
Halogenated Hydrocarbons (Pcbs)
• Eyelid swelling, nail pigmentation, fatigue, nausea, acne.
Babies: growth retardation, digestive and menstrual disorders, liver enlargement and damage
• Easy passage in placenta, breast milk
• Symptoms of a dermatological, neurological, muscular nature
Parameters related to pure water
The purity of water is measured on the basis of the following parameters:
• PH: acidity o PH> 7.07 – basic-alkaline o PH = 7.07 – neutral o PH <7.07 – acid.
A living organism, a cell, whether beneficial or malignant, can only develop in an environment suitable for that cell: numerous researchers have found that cancer develops in an alkaline environment. Lemon, vitamin C, garlic, raw vegetables are acidic and do not play a role in the fight against cancer for nothing. The blood of a healthy human has a pH between 7 and 7.2 (plasma protein is a pH buffer). Salivary enzyme works optimally at pH 6.9. Water should be slightly acidic. For the sake of understanding, the ISO electric point, acid-base transition, is pH 7.4 for blood so that it is acidic to that point.
• Conductivity resistance
Resistance is a measure of the electrolyte charge of the solution. The higher the resistance, the purer the water. Good drinking water has a resistance higher than 5000 Ohm. The minimum standard for tap water is 476 Ohm. Conversely, the smaller the conductivity, the purer the water: good drinking water has a conductivity of less than 200 Siemens, with tap water it is less than 2100 Siemens, rH2 (Colog hydrogen pressure, oxido-reduction reaction). If its rH2 value is less than 28, water has a reducing effect. If it is higher than 28, the water has an oxidizing effect. Healthy people have a rH2 value in the blood that varies between 22 and 25, cancer patients show a value of 28 and more. Water must have a reducing capacity.
What is Oxidation?
Example: an apple cut in half will start to rust, “reaction of aggressive oxygen molecules”. The rH2 values of the following tap water regions really all indicate an oxidizing effect. Tap water from: – Ghent: 31.9 – Antwerp: 32 – Brussels: 28 – Tienen: 35.4 And its oxidizing Pure Water has an rH2 value of 24.5
• Dry residue Is a measure of the degree of contamination and should be as low as possible. The dry residue in tap water may be up to 1500mg / l. The purest bottles of water have a dry residue of approximately 18mg / l. Tap water is allowed to max. 1500mg / l Aqua Pura Vitale): 18mg / l
• Contamination must be as minimal as possible. Nitrates, cadmium, lead, chlorine, fluorine, asbestos, atrazine, aluminium, cobalt, mercury, antimony, beryllium, thallium, selenium, pesticides, mycotoxins, nitrosamines, halogenated hydrocarbons (PCBs) and other contaminants should be as low as possible . Zero is ideal.
• Do you think there are no bugs in the tap water? Germs, bacteria and viruses that are currently already known to be transmitted via water: o Hepatitis A o Norwalk-, Rotavirus o Salmonella o Shigella o Yersiniao Campylobacter o E. Coli (certain strains benign, others pathogenic) o Vibrio Cholera
There is no point in filtering water. It removes a little bit of the pollution from the water. There is only one way to purify the water and that is to let it evaporate. That is also how it works in nature. If you want to find a better way, you have to be smarter than the creator. Osmosis and demineralized water is really no better than natural pure water.
You are not there with only pure water
The water we drink is dead water. Thanks to the natural currents of water in nature and in the mountains, the water regains its original energy. You will notice this soon after using our pure water. Your skin rejuvenates, you feel fit. The oxygen transport in your body improves because the energy-rich water can recharge your cells so that they can repel themselves. This can be measured within 10 minutes after drinking our water. The water detoxifies your body, because clean water can absorb dirt again and wash away the mess in your body; you’ll notice this when you go to the toilet, your urine can be very dark and can smell.
Using 100% Pure Water in Food Preparation – Cooking and Baking from Eldon C. Muehling
There are many good reasons to use pure water in food preparation, cooking and baking. Food prepared with pure water not only tastes better, it is also safe, more nutritious and looks more appealing. Since pure water is such an excellent solvent, it should always be used for washing fruits, vegetables and other foods that need to be washed.
Tastier and cheaper fruit- and vegetable juices
When diluting concentrated drinks with pure water, such as concentrated orange juice, grapefruit juice, grape juice or tomato juice, you will notice a clear taste improvement. The taste is much closer to the one of the fresh product. Also, more drinkable juice can be prepared by using pure water. Normally, you can still make a satisfying drink with about 25% more water. Because pure water does not contain chlorine, there is no interaction between chlorine and vitamin C. Vitamin C is partially broken down by the presence of chlorine in tap water, but also by the chlorine presence in mineral waters.
Promotes seed germination
Pure water is ideal for germinating seeds such as alfalfa, beans or other seeds. Not only does it create a higher germination percentage, the germination also occurs earlier. The sprouts grow without having to make do with the contaminated nutrition found in most tap water. They also stay crispy and fresh for a longer period of time.
Bake with clean water
Because pure water can absorb slightly more flour in the dough mixture than tap water, the baking takes on a smoother texture. The baked products are also free from contaminants that could alter the taste. Examples of baked food that can be improved with pure water include all kinds of pastries, pancakes, bread, pizza dough, etc.
Pasta products
Another use of pure water is when cooking pasta, noodles, rice, and similar foods. These foods absorb distilled water better than tap water. These foods have a better structure and taste, and they stick together less.
Preparation of vegetables
There is also a clear improvement when using pure water for cooking potatoes and fresh vegetables. Virtually no discoloration occurs in the potatoes and of course no contamination gets into the food. All fresh vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, etc. should also be boiled or steamed in clean water. Soups that require water taste better with pure water. You may notice that the boiling point of pure water is slightly lower than that of tap water. Not only does this save a little time, but there is also a small saving in energy costs.
Clear ice cubes
There is a very clear difference in ice cubes made from pure water. Not only are they brighter and shinier due to the absence of impurities in the ice, but they are also harder. Pure water freezes faster than tap water because the impurities in tap water lower the freezing point of the water. When using ice cubes from tap water in drinks, the ice melts and this affects the taste, not to mention the health risks if the ice contains contaminants.
Better coffee and tea
When using pure water to make coffee or tea, less ground coffee and tea leaves are required than when using tap water. Most likely you can reduce the amount of coffee or tea by about a third used to make these drinks. The colour is slightly lighter, but the taste is just as rich when using pure water, the taste is even much less bitter. Using pure water to prepare these drinks is an easy way to achieve savings of about a third on the cost of these drinks in the household or in a restaurant or café; moreover, an unsavoury film layer never floats on the coffee or tea, as often happens with tap water.
Distilled water is ideal for canning food. Not only does the fruit and vegetables retain their natural colour, the taste is also better. According to housewives, the pots seal better and the spoilage is much lower, because the water is sterile.